DIY Pineapple Beauty Treatment

Pineapple is a tropical plant who’s fruit and juice is used in cooking all over the world.  Pineapple contains a natural enzyme, bromelain, which is an exfoliating enzyme that digests dead skin cells.  You can use pineapple in your beauty regimen to remove dead skin cells, balance the skin and even overall appearance.

When using pineapple in skin care remember fresh is best. If you cannot get fresh pineapple opt for canned pineapple in its own juice with no added sugar or pineapple juice with no added sugar.

Pineapple Juice Toner

Apply pineapple juice to clean skin using cotton ball, allow to sit for 5 minutes then rinse thoroughly with water.

Pineapple Restoring Mask

Blend pineapple flesh on pulverize/puree setting until smooth.  Pour into a bowl and add a few teaspoons of honey.  Apply mask to face, massaging in circular motion and let sit for 5 minutes.  Rinse skin with warm water and pat dry.

Grab fresh pineapple, mash it up mix with a little honey to help form paste apply to skin. No rubbing required.

An here is a little tasty libation a la Lola Zabeth: Drunken Sponge Bob

  • 6 ounces fresh pineapple (or 1/3  can of pineapple in juice)
  • 2 ounces rum
  • sparkling water

Place pineapple into freezer until cold.  Blend pineapple flesh and rum on pulverize setting until smooth.  Spoon pineapple mixture into glass, add sparkling water and stir.  Sip and enjoy.  This also makes a delicious drink sans rum, but in my opinion everything is better with rum :)

Lola Zabeth has great recipes on her site including this one for a pineapple scrub.